New Article of Nogara of AGE and Prof. Villani of Politecnico Milano on “LeStrade”: Correct Lighting as a must for Tunnel Safety.
The optimal Lighting as a crucial factor to improve the safety standards in “Infrastacture” nothoriously dangerous as the road Tunnels whereas, in the last 5 years in Italy, a new increase in accidents has been registered. In this article an investigation on the subject evaluates the data and, as well, illustrates the pros and cons of the various lighting technologies available.
Authors: Prof. Paola Villani of Politecnico di Milano University – Angelo Nogara of AGE Advanced Green Economy.
Magazine: “LeStrade LS” – Aeroporti Autostrade Ferrovie n.1542/11 Novembre 2018.
Induction Lighting resulted the most adequate lighting for Tunnels, thanks to the long lasting and to the resistance even in harsh conditions, ideal in these environments where maintenance is costly and provoques a disservice for travellers, with a great energy efficiency and, very important, the safeguard of the visual comfort, with no glare, homogeneous and diffuse lighting with good color rendering.

Here the PDF version:
Nogara_Villani da LeStrade_n11-2_Finale