Also Mar.Zinc. goes 100% AGE Induction Lighting

Also Mar.Zinc. goes 100% AGE Induction Lighting


IMG_20160829_222031 IMG_20160829_222239 IMG_20160829_223134 IMG_20160829_222000 IMG_20160829_221929 IMG_20160829_223357 IMG_20160829_221708 IMG_20160829_221622 IMG_20160829_221508Mar.Zinc. complete the replacement of all previous lighting with AGE Induction Lighting.

Since 1996 Mar.Zinc S.r.l. of Grosseto is operative in the Hot Deep Galvanization sector, with the largest zinc bath of Italy and one of the largest of Europe.

About lighting the request of Mar.Zinc. was based on the needs of reducing the cost of lighting, in addition to have a better color rendering, to reduce the costs of maintenance and replacement, and to have lighting that can resist to the high acid and corrosive environment and to the high temperatures in proximity to the bath (up to 400°C-752°F).

Previous 400W Metal Halide lamps, with 465W effective consumption, has been replaced with AGE Induction Lighting CH200 and RS200 with with 185W effective consumption.

The results has been very satisfactory from all points of views: reduction of electrical consumption (-60%), reduction of maintenance cost (-90%), Better light (+23%), in addition of immediate strike and restrike, no vibration and no flickering, improved comfort on the working environment. The astonishing lighting and colour rendering make it easier to perform a better quality control during production.


Mar.Zinc. can now rely upon a lighting with duration up to 110.000 hours (more than 20 years), with a virtually zero maintenance, saving a lot of energy and contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.